The world’s first dating retreat for changemakers

Find The Love of Your Life In The LUSH JUNGLE OF COSTA RICA

Five days of empowerment, adventure... and deep connection, In Costa rica - the land of Rainforests, volcanos, and Pura vida

With Aaron Kleinerman
and Luba Evans

Event Details

  • May 1st to May 6th, 2023

  • Carefully selected group of 25 awakened men and 25 awakened women (34 - 59 years old)

  • Twelve authentic connection transformational events

  • 5 Revolutionary ‘Ecstatic Dating Circles

  • SoulmateSync® Matching System

  • Music, yoga, sunshine & more

  • Hotel, accommodation & meals included

  • 24/7 expert support - before and after the event…

Hurry to talk to one of our Coaches and find it if this retreat is for you before it is sold out


Are you tired on swiping left on dating app, endless dates that lead no where or no dates at all?

And are you ready to enjoy the ultimate soulmate experience, complete with love, adventure, and lasting connections?

Then join us on the Ecstatic Dating Retreat, happening May 1st to May 6th,

on the beautiful beaches of Costa Rica.

In fact… If you are sick and tired of toxic dating and relationship experiences… then this may be the most important letter that you have ever read.

Because our unique mix of spiritual awakening, unique, proprietary authentic relating techniques, and personal development methodology will take you on a journey to find your soulmate in the most breathtaking location on Earth.

Imagine meditating on the beach…

Or hiking an active volcano…

Or relaxing as the waves lick your toes…

… All the while meeting the love of your life.

We have done everything in our power to create a once in a

lifetime experience, and the romantic adventure you’ve always dreamed of.

Let me tell you all about the Ecstatic Dating Retreat. And… if you’re one of the lucky men and women who qualify… I invite you to join us.


so what makes the ecstatic dating retreat unique?

This is the first retreat in the world to offer a unique blend of personal development, matchmaking, and vacation, all while maintaining gender balance.

This is the first retreat in the world that guarantees that you will meet 25 spiritual, successful change-makers of the opposite gender who are ready for a relationship.

This is also the first dating event in the world, where you can be sure that whoever you meet is on the path of self-development, contributing for the world to be a better place.

This retreat is geared toward creation of evolutionary partnerships, spiritual power couples, that will make a difference in their communities.

what's included

12 transformational dating activities: The truth is this: Deeply meeting another, first starts with deeply meeting yourself.

That’s why we’ve created carefully designed activities which help you improve your self-awareness, heal your inner wounds, develop healthy communication skills, and develop your emotional intelligence.

We will go on a journey together; one of timeless awakening into our divine nature. Where emotions are honored… Where desires are expressed… Where dance, movement, fun and playfulness becomes the place where you meet others.

We will help you release the old patterns, shame and frustration of the old dating game… To awaken to the fun, excitement and joy of discovering yourself, while meeting others who are discovering you.

5 Guided “Ecstatic Dating Circles”: Our unique dating experience which helps you connect with other matches on a much deeper level.

I will tell you more about them in just a moment.

< testimonial about Ecstatic Dating Circles goes here >

Meditations, yoga classes, dance: Unleash your inner fire with our dynamic meditations, yoga, and ecstatic dance. You will learn to harness your inner power, reduce stress and anxiety, and feel more confident and alive than ever before. These practices will make you feel rejuvenated, recharged, and ready to conquer the world.

Coaching and mentoring sessions: The opportunity to receive one-on-one coaching and mentoring sessions with our experienced coaches. So we can help you overcome personal challenges, and find the true love you deserve.

SoulmateSync® Matching System: Our proprietary matching system will ensure that everyone will be matched. During every Ecstatic Dating circle you will choose 3 people that you resonated with the most, according to our proprietary methodology. And just in case, if some choices are not 100% clear, we are bringing in decades of our coaching experience into the mix. Our team will create opportunities for everyone, based on how you interact with others, and the intentions that you have stated in your application. We are helping to match not only your personality, but also your energy, your heart, and your entire being unlike traditional matchmakers.

Decades of relationship coaching experience: Luba Evans and Aaron Kleinerman have been working with thousands of people all over the world in the area of love, dating, relating, embodiment and tantra and helping hundreds of people find love. It is an epic event, as these two transformational giants come together to help conscious people meet and form evolved partnerships.

Activities in the beautiful Costa Rica sun: Swim in the crystal clear ocean. Hear the howler monkeys sing. Look out over the rainforest from the top of a volcano. Explore the natural beauty of Costa Rica with your match, and make unforgettable memories together.

Comfortable accommodations: Stay with us in comfort, relaxation, and with stunning views of Costa Rica.

Small group size: We limit our event to just 50 members - large enough to ensure everyone has an exciting match, but small enough to ensure you have a personalized and intimate experience.

Will you join us starting on May 1st?

Click the button below to speak with one of our experts, and see if you qualify:


Our Beautiful Venue and Past Events:

Success Stories From Past Attendees:

"We owe our relationship to Luba Evans' dating event. Her welcoming personality made us feel at ease, and we hit it off immediately. We highly recommend attending her events to anyone looking to find love. Thank you, Luba!

- Laura and Gregg, New York

“This is the first experience for tantric event and I have to say it was fantastic. I loved the energy, loved the people, loved the teaching. Everyone was really nice. And the whole time I was happy I had a smile on my face…”

- Eric, Boston

“I am in an incredible post-workshop space. This morning I experienced a powerful tearing open of my heart." Paul: "My vision & hearing had become crystal clear. My heart had burst wide & my body had completely melted open, ecstatically surrendered, blissfully entranced & moving entirely beyond my control. Pure, natural ecstasy coarsed through my veins & radiated from every cell. I felt indescribably Alive & Free!"

- Dvora Paul, PA

I am just so blown away by everything that Luba does. I feel really safe coming into this space, this environment. I feel like we really hold people in a way where they can be themselves- the most appropriate, fun, and sacred way to be! ”

- Ella, NYC

“That was essentially the best retreat ever. We learned a lot and our sex life will never be the same. It is going through the roof from this point on. Thank you for opening our eyes. We feel like we just fell in love with each again. Thank you for helping us resolve our issues, and come to deep understanding and forgiveness. Here's to kicking ass this week and every day going forward into infinity!”

- Laura and Alex Katz, New York

“It was such a pleasure! I feel amazing and I learned so much... My heart is amazingly and beautifully full and am grateful beyond measure. Thank you, Luba for sharing your warmth and brilliance and knowledge so generously and for creating a container of safety! I met my love at your event. We learned so many exciting and deeply spiritual ways how we can be in a "oneness" relationship and expand our love making! Looking forward to doing all the magical practices at home."

- Max Smith, NJ


Our Team Has Decades Of Experience And Hundreds of Successful Matches:

Luba Evans is the founder of Empowered Womanhood and Galiana Meditation Retreat.

Luba Evans M.S., C.HT, Certified NLP Master Coach, Harvard Speaker, is one of the most sought after, acclaimed and distinguished coaches in the world for highly accomplished professionals who want their love life to be as fabulous as they are.

Aaron Kleinerman is a Transformational Tantric Facilitator and author of a best-selling book on masculine embodiment.

He holds a Master’s degree in spiritual psychology, a Master Coach and in demand speaker on the topics of relationships and connection. Aaron is a Master Coach and in demand speaker on the topics of masculinity and dating. He even holds a Master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology. professionals who want their love life to be as fabulous as they are.

With Aaron and Luba as your guides, you will have no problem meeting the partner of your dreams, and being seen for the valuable, powerful person you are.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to find love and adventure in Costa Rica. Click the button below to talk to one of our relationship professionals:


Connect with individuals

who share your interests and passion:

We screen our applicants carefully to make sure you meet other people who share your interests, your values, and your passion for life.

Your match will be a person who is open to personal growth, authentic communication and co-creation. Who is done with the casual flings, and looking for an empowered partnership.

Your match will be a successful professional. Who has the passion and drive to succeed at life. So you can connect as equals.

Your match will share at least one of your major life goals. You will both want to find a serious relationship, or start a family, or make the world a better place. (Maybe even build a retreat center.)

Your match will be out-going, adventurous, and open-minded. Interested in trying new things, and soaking up all the world has to offer.

These are just some of the ways we make sure our Ecstatic Dating Retreat will help you meet your true love.

If you fit the above criteria, click this button to talk to one of our relationship coaches:


People all over the world, in every culture, gathered in circles:

Celebration Circles, Walkabout, Native American Sweat Lodge Ceremonies, Pujas … They originate from different continents and eras but all help groups of people gather with an open heart.

As a love coach, I’ve always tried to help my clients make authentic connections.

And so, I use the circle to help foster that heart-to-heart bond.

I call these guided heart-opening circles “Ecstatic Dating Circles”, because many of my clients said they've never felt deeper, and more ecstatic, joyful connections with other people in less time.

What makes our Ecstatic Dating Circles unique?

Well, during this powerful, curated experience, men and women stand across from each other in a circle.

Then, each of the 25 women will connect with each of the 25 men through carefully planned activities:

• One evening, you may embrace your inner royalty. You may roleplay as a king or queen, and meet the other members of the circle from their inner royalty, as well.

• The next evening, you may let go of your adult responsibilities and become a kid again. You may go through inner child healing meditations, and meet the other members of the circle with the wonder and innocent joy of your inner child.

• On a third night, you may join a masquerade ball. You may get in touch with your mysterious side, and connect with other members in the circle from a place of elegance, sophistication, and sensuality.

Each night, we create an environment and lead exercises that make these deep connections easy and effortless.

You will embrace authenticity and deepen your connections with our expert guidance in every interaction, without having to think what to say or feeling awkward.

You will be able to let go of the randomness of “blind dates” If you are dating), and will not have to go through the humiliating experience of waiting for a text after a date, or wondering if you were rejected.

As the week progresses, we will help guide you through a wild “Jungle Party”… a dark and mysterious “Night of Hidden Fantasies”... a tender “Evening of Romance and Celebration”...

We will help you live in your authentic being. So you can communicate with your whole being: your words… your eyes… your moves… and your energy.

… And it is this authentic, guided connection that led one of my students to tell me, “I feel like I’ve known my partner for two years, even though we just met this week.”

Learn more about the ecstatic dating retreat >>

Masha “DJ Maasha” Evans is a disc jockey and Master of Ceremonies.

Her accomplishments as a turntablist and as an entrepreneur have been recognized by the Los Angeles Business Journal, Rising Tide Society and Voyage L.A.

Kaitlyn Stocker is a certified Love Coach and Head Organizer for this event.

She has years of experience helping men and women come together and connect authentically.

For a detailed itinerary of the event schedule, including start and end times, and other important details, simply click this button and talk to us:

Hurry to talk to one of our Coaches and find it if this retreat is for you before it is sold out

Limited Spots Available: Don’t Miss Out On Your Chance To Find True Love…

Only 25 men and 25 women will join us on the Ecstatic Dating Retreat. Even though our last events - with far more spots - sold out, quickly.

Plus: The first 10 men and 10 women accepted will get a discount on their event ticket. (Our way of saying, “YAY!”)

This may be the only Ecstatic Dating retreat to happen for conscious, evolved people in all of 2023:

The natural beauty of Costa Rica…

50 spiritual, successful attendees…

Meditation, yoga, and personal development…

5 powerful “Ecstatic Dating Circles”...

12 group dating activities…

Self exploration and healing…

Personalized mentoring, coaching, and attention…

Connections for life

And calling in THE ONE who will change your world!

If you are ready to have a once-in-a-lifetime adventure…

If you are ready to finally meet and match with your true love…

If you are tired of swiping and wasting your time with traditional dating…

Or if you are not dating right now, at all…

… Then I urge you:

Click the button below to speak with one of our relationship coaches.

Hurry to talk to one of our Coaches and find it if this retreat is for you before it is sold out

Find answers to your questions in our FAQ question:

Can you tell me more about the accommodations provided during the event?

Of course!

When you talk to us, we will give you the name of the resort.

The retreat center is nestled in the lush jungle, with intentional spaces to help you disconnect from the busy world and reconnect with your true self.

It features a beautiful outdoor yoga center, indoor yoga studio, a pool, gardens, a wonderful spa, and an Ayurvedic kitchen.

How can I best prepare for the Ecstatic Dating Retreat?

--- We will be inviting you to an ORIENTATION zoom gathering BEFORE the retreat, and you will get detailed instructions. If you want to think about your attire in advance - we are looking for you to be in comfortable clothing, that allow you to move around with ease.

Will I be able to connect with you, or other attendees before the event?

Yes! You can prepare for the retreat, and get to know the other attendees in advance. So you can join us on May 1st and jump right into the fun.

Hurry to talk to one of our Coaches and find it if this retreat is for you before it is sold out

What will the other attendees be like? How do you qualify people?

We make sure that every person who attends is between 34 and 59 years old. We also make sure every attendee has similar career success, drive, and passion for life.

We also get to know the person on an intangible level: We are committed to fill our events with changemakers, people who are open to personal development, meditation and yoga. We are trying our best to bring you rare jewels - game-changers, who will become the first evolutionary couples of the decade. Many of those people are Luba’s and Aaron’s students and clients, who already went through training dedicated to authentic relating.

Finally, we do our best to make sure we have a group of people who fit well together. So we keep our eyes open for men or women who would be a good match for one of our current members.

Do we get special room rates or discounts?

Your room and board is included in your event ticket, so you don’t have to worry about either.

We have also worked with the resort and some surrounding businesses to help you enjoy every aspect of your time with us, without spending too much money.

What kind of safety measures will be in place during the event?

We have a decade of experience fostering relationships and helping both men and women feel safe with each other.

So we understand how important personal safety is. Our practices are consequent based and trauma informed.

Rest assured, we have taken great care to make sure your time with us is safe and relaxing.

Can I read more about the Ecstatic Dating Retreat team?

Of course.